Fourth DeepRain Project Meeting

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Due to the Covid-19 situation, the 4th DeepRain project meeting, which was scheduled to take place from March, 10-12, 2020, had to be converted into a series of web meetings with the project partners. The main focus of the meeting was to prepare input for the upcoming project report in April and to plan specific actions for the next 6 months. Over the past months, a lot of progress has been made with respect to the data preparation and machine learning workflows, but a couple of issues remain in terms of implementing these workflows on the JSC supercomputing system. This has so far hindered the project from generating meaningful rainfall predictions through machine learning. All project partners are working together to get these workflows in place and we are optimistic that, once these issues are solved, it will be relatively easy to scale the solutions to much larger datasets. For the next month the focus will be on performance improvements for data imports, on applying machine learning on station timeseries data, and exploiting parallelisation at all levels to optimize workflows, tools and data processing on the HPC system.